Insight Blog

Traits Of Facilities Officers That Are Essential For Institutions

As facilities management (FM) has evolved over the past several years to become a strategic component in the overall success of healthcare and higher education institutions, many experienced, top-tier FM professionals have elevated themselves to become "facilities officers", playing key roles in overall strategies, capital plans and major initiatives. These individuals lead significant programs and, therefore, it has become imperative for them to have the abilities to effectively communicate their thoughts and ideas to directors and boards to illustrate how FM concepts and approaches directly correlate to long-term goals. As well, to lead their departments in achieving lofty objectives, these facilities officers must have refined traits and proficiencies such as:

  • Strong financial aptitude.

  • Innovative, change agent mindset.

  • Technological savvy to lead by example.

  • Inclusive and empowering leadership style.

  • Understanding of strategies and execution leadership.

  • Ability to create a culture of adaptability and accountability.

  • Adeptness at building and leading high-performance teams.

  • Comprehension of technological advancements and trends.

  • Capability to foster a collaborative work environment that empowers employees.

  • Solid understanding of energy management, systems reliability, life cycle operating costs and deferred maintenance.

  • Soft skills that are necessary to develop and maintain strong relationships with the public, boards, analysts, shareholder groups, senior administration, government entities and end-users.

Increased responsibilities and expectations and these new desired skill sets making filling senior- and officer-level facilities positions more difficult and, at the same, more critical for hospitals, healthcare systems, universities and colleges.