A hybrid work model gives employees a choice; however, it can leave decision makers wondering what strategies are best for managing space. Helbling search consultants provide an overview of new technology that aids space planners during changing times. Read more
Recent growth in e-commerce requires warehousing, fulfillment, and distribution real estate. Read the latest stats on the transition from brick and mortar stores to online retail operations. Read more
Life Sciences is a bright spot for commercial real estate. View the industry's geographical hot spots, trends, and facets of evaluating or planning space. Read more
In the construction and development world, many factors can impact the type of manager who will most effectively lead a design and construction team, such as: new techniques and technologies, short- and long-term initiatives and goals, department transitions and restructuring, and internal culture. Read more
Due to the diverse strategies being implemented to grow or maintain market share, many healthcare organizations have determined that monetizing their non-core real estate assets is an effective way to generate funding to accomplish their ultimate objective - enhancing patient care. Read more